Find ideal LinkedIn candidates with recruitment technology
Find the Best LinkedIn Candidates
LinkedIn has been a popular source for employers and recruitment agencies looking for a wider selection of job candidates for years.
There is no better place to access the business community, with users numbering hundreds of millions globally.
Conveniently listing education details, employment history and qualifications Linkedin makes finding suitable job candidates remarkably simple.
Many of the 330 million professionals registered on LinkedIn are open to discussions on new job opportunities.
Indeed, could be said that by maintaining an active Linkedin profile you may well be subconsciously engaged in a constant search to maximise your professional potential, especially when it comes to work opportunities.
There are a variety of ways to find the right employment prospects on LinkedIn, so the team at eBoss Recruitment Software have compiled a list strategies that you may find useful.
Linkedin Search
One of the easiest ways to find suitable job candidates is via the Search method.
Click into the Advanced Search function and input a variety of keywords, job titles and locations to access potential candidates. Once you have identified some potential candidates, it is just a matter of contacting each potential candidate with an introductory note using InMail.
You’ll discover a lot more search facilities if you have a business account with LinkedIn, giving you opportunities to drill your search down to more specific details.
You can use Advanced Search to drill down your potential job candidates to the nth degree when you become familiar with ways of using keywords to source the best suited employees.
Whether you are searching for a recent graduate or hunting a top manager with all the key skills and experience needed to lead a department or team, your LinkedIn keyword optimised “Advance Search” options will help you source a variety of suitable candidates.
You will just need to consider the best ways to contact these people. If you have no success with inMail, then another option is to search for the candidates on Facebook.
More often than not, the profile pictures will be identical and you can also learn a lot about the suitability of a candidate from their Facebook status. If the potential candidate has a public profile and the content of their status feed isn’t too horrific, then a direct message may well cut through where an inMail message failed to make contact.
Linkedin Connections – it’s not what you know it’s who you know.
Checking all your connections to find out if they are aware of any second degree connections that could be suited to the employment role in question is also an easy step to take.
Additionally, if your candidates are recommended by connections you are already dealing with on a business footing, there is more likelihood they will already be working in a similar arena and will bring a good deal of expertise to the role you offer.
Asking your connections to let you know if any of their connections are putting out feelers for new positions via status updates or queries is another way forward. This is a particularly powerful strategy if you are active on Linkedin and maintain connections with the candidates you have placed in the past. It is also super powerful if your agency specialised in a particular niche, like information technology or graphic design for instance.
You can then move on to ask your connections to provide you with an introduction to your potentially suitable job candidate. This method of sourcing new employees is popular, due to its ease and the fact you can obtain an informal recommendation or brief reference for candidates prior to even beginning the interview process.
If you are finding a client vacancy particularly difficult to fill, don’t neglect an initial sweep through all of your Linkedin connections, make a quick checklist of potential contacts that are connected or have connections that are connected to the industry you are working in. It could be well worth the time and effort.
Open Link Network
Use the LinkedIn Open Link Network to contact other members that seem likely job candidates. It’s much easier to message using this network and you’ll discover a variety of members are on Open Link.
Headhunters, agencies and prospective employers often contact prospects via this service. After all LinkedIn was initiated as a professional and business networking service, and job hunting or career moves are all a major part of the business arena.
Linkedin Groups
Check out suitable LinkedIn Groups for your industry and business interests.
If your candidate search is perpetual and you operate in a niche industry, then hang out in the Linkedin groups. Interact, add value to the conversation. This is a good way to check out prospective candidates prior to actually talking about potential employment opportunities.
Reaching out via Groups and chatting about current issues or comments made by the candidate allows you to find out a lot more about the person, without giving any commitment or details on your reasons for contact.
Making regular contributions to Group Forums is likely to make contact with other group members easier, as sending private messages about forum posts or comments then becomes a matter of course.
Check out the ways in which potential candidates use LinkedIn to discover more about their individual personalities. The ways they interact with others, their contact list and networking abilities will all give clues as to whether they would be a good fit for your organisation.
Professionals on LinkedIn encompass the complete gamut of the employment market. Find the best way to suit your needs for sourcing and contacting prospective job candidates on the site. It’s a fact that membership of LinkedIn can bring a number of benefits and most members are aware that when they sign up to the site in some ways they are active passive job hunting, so getting in touch with individuals and making interview suggestions is no big deal.
Use Recruitment Database software that integrates with Linkedin
Having a decent CRM system that is integrated with social media platforms is an essential tool for any serious recruitment agency. Having the ability to look outside of your own CV database and talent pools can take your performance metrics from average to outstanding just by embracing the information that is freely available to anyone who cares to look for it.
You can of course do this all manually, however having push button integration that allows you to search, locate and import potential candidates at the push of a button will put you one step ahead of your competitors.
eBoss Recruitment Software has social search at the core of it’s candidate module. Not only will eBoss utilise the Google search API to search and import candidates, it also integrates with idibu v3 which will allow you to post jobs to multiple job boards at the press of a button as well as screen applicant submissions. It will also populate the candidate records directly from Linkedin and parse entire CV history into your recruitment database without you having to type in a thing. You can work faster and smarter, place more candidates and make more commission with the killer combination of eBoss Semantic Search, Social integration with Linkedin and your talents as a skilled recruiter.
You know your competitors are most likely enjoying these advantages. Fight back with serious social integration tools and leave them in your dust by migrating across to eBoss.
Request a one on one demo and a free one month fully supported trial and take your agency to the next level.