Recruitment Database Software | Recruitment Workflows for Success

Document your recruitment workflows and Get the Most out of your Recruitment Database Software

If your agency has invested time and money in a Customer Relationship Management tool, then you’ll know how valuable it is to your organisation. The right software can make or break an agency but just as important is having the right processes in place.

Without smarter workflows, your recruitment agency is at risk of mistakes that can cost you income, lost relationships and – worse still – your reputation. Relationships and reputation is everything to successful recruitment agencies.

By following some simple tips you’ll implement processes that will allow you to gain the most from your recruitment software and in doing so, deliver your agency results year in year out.

First, What are recruitment workflows?

A workflow is a conceptual sequence of events enabling the people working in a business to correctly do their tasks. In recruitment agencies, the recruitment database software tool is a pivotal part of many of these workflows and processes. There’s input, various work sequences and an output from the software.


Every agency works best when there are processes and systems in place. Everyone should know what those processes are and where their role fits in to the scheme of the process. If you haven’t done so already, sit down and brainstorm the process you take when a new job comes in or a candidate makes contact for the first time.

Now drill down the process for the different actions you take using your software. How do you enter a new candidate, what information do you need to collect for a new client and how do you enter the details of a prospective client?

Every consultant in the agency should know what information is entered and where and the automation tools available to speed up that process.

Ensuring all staff are entering the right data in the right area will give you a high performing CRM now and well in the future. It takes just one employee in an agency to adversely effect your tool’s validity and professionalism.

Sloppy data entry or careless attention to detail on spelling can be detrimental to any database and recruitment agencies need to get it right. Every time.

A client can easily draw the conclusion that if an agency doesn’t spell their name right, can they be trusted with a far harder task of selecting their next employee?

Map the process out and run it through a number of times to check that it’s correct before it’s set in stone. While you’re in the process frame of mind why not look at other processes in your business outside your CRM and document everything at once so you have a complete set of processes.

These can then be used to induct new staff and clearly define the expectations and culture of the organisation.

Picture your Process

A diagram always helps make a process clearer for the reader. Use a mind mapping or chart program such as Gliffy to make your diagrams.

Most programs have a number of templates to choose from. Decide on one that will give you an easy to read layout, colour and design that staff will want to refer to regularly.

Keep a copy of your process maps in a central place so they can be amended as things in the organisation change.

Communicating the Process

Once you have your processes set, you now need to communicate them to staff. The way you distribute your message may depend on how you usually get the word out across the agency or you may decide to use a different method to emphasise the importance of your CRM’s process.

Training Staff on your Recruitment Database Software

Like your processes everyone in your agency should be trained in how to use your recruitment database software. Using your process, prepare the training so that everyone knows how to complete tasks correctly.

Why not spend a little time recording screen shots so it’s as clear as possible for everyone? It may even save you time in writing the instructions. Try using one of the free programs like Jing to record your screencasts.

By loading the short videos on your intranet or a Google Drive, new staff can train themselves without needing existing staff to take them through it. Storing the information in an easy to access repository allows staff to refresh their memory on how to complete an action without having to ask anyone.

Explain the Why

Don’t assume that everyone on staff knows what processes your recruitment software is used for. Explain to staff that you use the software for helping to nurture long-lasting relationships with clients and prospects, sales tracking, KPI’s, candidate search and so much more.

Impressing on staff that the software is pivotal in the running of the agency means they will be more likely to treat data with the attention to detail it deserves.

What to Enter

Tell staff exactly what you want them to enter in the CRM. If your agency likes to develop strong relationships with clients and candidates, make sure they know where to add personal information about a client or candidate.

If there are various places that this information can be entered (and found), tell staff where it should go and even how it should be entered if there is a format you’d like followed.

An investment now in designing processes around how to use your recruitment database software will pay dividends in the future. Think of the time and cost involved in cleaning thousands of records in the future and put your time and energy into getting it right now.

Data entered in incorrect fields, entered inconsistently or without the required attention to detail can prove disastrous to your agency.

Of course, eBoss CV parsing and integration with other systems such as idubu can greatly reduce the potential for errors by automating the candidate creation process, which of course is in and of itself a process that should be documented.

To see more of the features that make eBoss the go to Recruitment Database Software for recruiters across the UK and beyond – Click here for more information